Dr. Ana Catarina Queiroga
EPIUnit – Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto, Portugal; IDRA – International Drowning Researchers’ Alliance, USA; ASNASA – Lifeguarding Association, Portuga
Dr. Quieroga is a Microbiologist with a PhD in Biology and since 2006 has been engaged in several lifesaving projects as well as teaching. She has a special interest in drowning research, prevention education and governance, and in promoting water safety in developing countries as well as within non-native and high-risk communities in developed countries.
She has concentrated her scientific collaboration in several drowning prevention research projects, actively collaborating with University of Porto (Portugal), University of Vigo (Spain), Federation University (Australia), University of Auckland (New Zealand) and Royal Life Saving Society – Australia. Her academic and research related work has always tried to focus on bridging between experts and practitioners. She like to see myself as a “pracademic”.
She am a member of the Drowning Prevention Commission and Medical Committee of The International Life Saving Federation (ILS), member of the Drowning Prevention Commission of ILSE and co-founder of the International Drowning Researchers’ Alliance. At the national level she is a board advisor and chair of the Drowning Prevention and Education Committee of ASNASA.
She has recently coordinated and co-authored the IDRA-ILS-IMRF Joint Position Statement on the resuscitation of the drowned person during COVID19 Era. She has authored and co-authored several scientific papers, reports, book chapters and lectures at International Conferences.
She is motivated to engage as an active member of the medical committee has a way to leverage evidence-based governance, policies, and practice for the good of people injuries in and around aquatic settings, putting my skills and resources at the disposal of the committee. There’s a great opportunity to reach out to a greater number of people at risk and the time is now, working collaboratively in a multidisciplinary approach to reduce the inequalities and burden of water-related injuries. She is looking forward to the work ahead.
Selected Publications
Szpilman D, Tipton M, Sempsrott J, Webber J, Bierens J, Dawes P, Seabra R, Barcala-Furelos R, Queiroga AC. Drowning timeline: a new systematic model of the drowning process. Am J Emerg Med. 2016 Nov;34(11):2224-2226. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajem.2016.07.063. Epub 2016 Aug 3. PMID: 27575579.
Carballo-Fazanes A, Bierens JJLM, The International Expert Group To Study Drowning Behaviour. The Visible Behaviour of Drowning Persons: A Pilot Observational Study Using Analytic Software and a Nominal Group Technique. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Sep 22;17(18):6930. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17186930. PMID: 32971976; PMCID: PMC7559254.
Dunne CL, Madill J, Peden AE, Valesco B, Szpilman D, Queiroga AC: An underappreciated cause of ocean-related fatalities: A systematic review on the epidemiology, risk factors and treatment of snorkelling-related drowning. 2021;6:e100103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resplu.2021.100103
Dunne C, Peden AE, Queiroga AC, Gomez Gonzalez C, Valesco B, Szpilman D (2020): A systematic review on the effectiveness of anti-choking suction devices and identification of research gaps. Resuscitation. 153:219-26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.02.021
Szpilman D, Aguilar JP, Barcala-Furelos R, Baker S, Dunne C, Peden AE, Brander R, Claesson A, Avramidis S, Leavy J, Linnea Luckhaus J, Manino LA, Marques O, Nyitrai NJ, Pascual-Gomez LM, Springer L, Stanley TJ, Venema AM, Queiroga AC. Drowning and aquatic injuries dictionary. Resus Plus. 2021; 5:e100072. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resplu.2020.100072